Assassins Creed Brotherhood
In Manhunt there are two teams of four. One team is the hunters, the other is the hunted. Each team looks like a specific character and takes turns being the hunter and the hunted. Hunters obtain points by assassinations, while the hunted obtain points from escapes, stuns, and remaining hidden. The team with the highest score wins.[17] In Chest Capture there are two teams of four. One team is the hunters, and the other is the hunted who need to steal chests by standing close to them. Each team looks like a specific character and takes turns being the hunter and the hunted. Hunters obtain points by assassinations, while the hunted obtain points from escapes, stuns, and stealing chests. The team with the highest score wins. The Escort mode sees one team of four players protecting a wandering NPC while the other team of four tries to assassinate him. There are two NPCs to protect at a time and they walk through a series of checkpoints, which are visible to both teams. When an escorted NPC is killed, another is synchronized. This mode has two rounds with each team playing once as an escort and once as assassins.
Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Defeating the corrupt tyrants entrenched there will require not only strength, but leadership, as Ezio commands an entire brotherhood of Assassins who will rally to his side. Only by working together can the Assassins defeat their mortal enemies and prevent the extinction of their order.
The game's story starts immediately after the events of Assassin's Creed II. After some complications, you travel to Rome to build a guild of assassins. Each assassin has to be recruited individually, equipped and trained through sending them on missions throughout Europe. The trainees are recruited through missions where you save them, but are easily lost if you are not careful. Otherwise all (or almost all) gameplay elements from Assassin's Creed II return for the sequel. Additions this time around are the ability to ride inside a city and fight from a horse. NPC characters are also able to ride this time around and can be assassinated even when they are on their horses.
Any remaining challenge is nullified around the game's halfway mark by the introduction of the eponymous Brotherhood. Up to a dozen citizens can be rescued from the Borgia and recruited into the new Assassin's Guild. Once recruited, it's another simple button press to instantly call assassins to fight for you. With XP rewarded through fighting, or through their deployment on missions throughout Europe in an entertaining metagame, it's not long before their strength and skills rival yours. 041b061a72