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The Complete Edgar Cayce Readings CDROM Version 20 HOT!

Computerization of the Edgar Cayce readings provides excellent access for researchers. The two primary search and data extraction tools (DOS and Windows CDROMs) are very different in what they offer. On the whole, the DOS version is more versatile and powerful but does not provide the specificity of the Windows software. Thus the DOS version was used as the initial extraction method with the Windows version serving to elaborate the data in a few instances.

The Complete Edgar Cayce Readings CDROM Version 20

Search: All Products Books Popular Music Classical Music Video DVD Toys & Games Electronics Software Tools & Hardware Outdoor Living Kitchen & Housewares Camera & Photo Cell Phones Keywords: Creative Dreaming by Patricia Garfield, Ph.D. (paperback, 272 pages) An excellently written, powerful but easy and exciting to read classic all about dreams, creativity, lucid dreaming, and much more. Garfield wonderfully brings to life the dream traditions of native peoples from around the world, comparing cross-cultural views and methods. She takes a powerful, fresh look at dream incubation principles for answering problems, resolving nightmares and receiving guidance and creative inspiration, and does a great job describing lucid dreams and how to have them (including Tibetan & Senoi views and techniques). Click here to order Creative Dreaming now from, or view other books by Patricia Garfield, Ph.D. Click here to [return to book list]. Healing Dreams by Marc Ian Barasch (Hardcover, 356 pages) The author of this non-fiction masterpiece has lived and written something truly incredible. Former editor of New Age Journal, Barasch has brought together and gathered crystal examples of a multitude of ways that dreams support us in and beyond everyday life. He accurately details and shows how they can bring about miracles if we listen to and follow their guidance. Not only is the book a superb and enlightening synthesis of many current views and theories on dreams, but it is excellently written and therefore a joy to read. It sparks plenty of insight simply by way of the language and multi-level metaphors used. Barasch candidly shares his own personal journey and healing. Side by side with the growth of cancer in his body, he details his incredible parallel inner journey of personal growth. The book rings with truth like the great bell of a community chapel announcing the wedding of inner and outer. It is a genuine call to us all to join the ceremony of transformation and ensuing celebration of the union of our dreaming and waking lives for personal, family, communal, and planetary healing. Highly recommended. Click here to order Healing Dreams now from, or view other books by Marc Barasch . Click here to [return to book list]. Edgar Cayce on Dreams by Harmon H. Bro, Ph.D. (paperback, 223 pages) Bro has done a magnificent work in harvesting the very best from the incredible wealth of dream-related information brought forth by the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce. He offers examples of many subtle dream principles and doesn't gloss over the challenges and cautions involved in truly trying to interact with and follow dreams. He also details many incredible successes, telling the amazing true life accounts of a number of people who visited Cayce for help with their dreams on relationships, health, stock market predictions, and ultimately about each person's personal growth through dreams for enriching and balancing their waking lives. Click here to order Edgar Cayce on Dreams now from, or view other books about Edgar Cayce . Click here to [return to book list]. The Natural Artistry of Dreams by Jill Mellick, Ph. D. (paperback, 299 pages) Mellick has brought together a host of professional and personal experience in explaining a balanced, eclectic synthesis of many dream-related philosophies and techniques. She gives a great framework for the enigmas of dreams and provides fun, tested creative methods for finding out what your dreams are about. Definitely one of the better books on how to understand dreams and creatively invite them into your waking life. Click here to order The Natural Artistry of Dreams now from, or [return to book list]. Embracing Our Selves / Embracing Each Other by Hal Stone & Sidra Winkleman, Ph.D. The Stones' work is absolutely brilliant. With a psychology, relationships and personal growth focus, their Voice Dialogues framework and process takes both Carl Jung's universal character archetype theory and Fritz Perls' gestalt techniques a quantum leap further. I have personally met and attended workshops with the Stones and cannot recommend their work highly enough for anyone who would understand the dynamics of personality and relationships and how they show up in dreams. They have also written a version specifically for couples called Embracing Each Other. Click here to order Embracing our Selves or Embracing Each Other now from Click here to view other books and tapes by Hal & Sidra Stone, Ph.D. , or [return to book list]. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Compassion by Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D. (paperback, 211 pages) The work of Marshall Rosenberg and CNVC (the Center for Nonviolent Communication) is truly one of the most needed and remarkable resources available for healing relationships and learning how to communicate in a far more healthy manner. The topic of the book may perhaps seem unrelated to dreams, however the important issues discussed as well as Rosenberg's methods for working with emotions and difficult personal situations are exactly what dreams often focus on and so the two are far more closely related than they may at first seem. The book is an easy-to-read and yet powerful presentation of Rosenberg's NVC process. Click here to order Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Compassion now from Click here to view/order other books and materials on Nonviolent/Compassionate Communication , or [return to book list]. Getting Help from your Dreams by Henry Reed, Ph.D. (paperback, 185 pages) A little-known book covering dream incubation, interpretation and sharing methods. Reed, editor of Inward magazine and professor at Atlantic University, is without question one of the leading pioneers in popularizing and exploring dream incubation and also interactive/communal approaches for "dreaming for others". He documents some very impressive accounts where dream group members incubate dreams for others with impressive success. An excellent resource for professionals and those with a general interest in dreams and healing/helping others through dreams and prayer. Click here to order Getting Help from your Dreams now from Click here to view other books by Henry Reed, Ph.D. , or [return to book list]. Working with the Dreaming Body by Arnold Mindell, Ph.D. (paperback, 133 pages) Mindell describes various case studies about intriguing yet powerful frameworks and methods for understanding the role of dreams in personal healing, and for incorporating them in private therapy and inner development. Click here to order Working with the Dreaming Body now from Click here to view other books by Arnold Mindell, Ph.D. , or [return to book list]. Dream Power by Ann Faraday, Ph.D. (paperback, 320 pages) Truly a classic. In a simple, easy-to-read style for the general public, Faraday gives the basics on sleep and dreams, and provides a host of insights and exercises for understanding your own dreams. Click here to order Dream Power now from, or view other books by Ann Faraday, Ph.D. Click here to [return to book list]. Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. (paperback) A visionary, scientifically-based and visionary lucid dreaming classic. Written after LaBerge received his Ph.D. from Stanford in psychophysiology, where he performed the now famous scientific proof for the existence of conscious dreaming. LaBerge comprehensively covers the history of lucid dreaming literature and details his personal exploration and scientific research into the world of lucidity. Not only exciting to read, but packed with methods for learning how to become lucid in your dreams, and the Tibetan-yoga-based view about seeing life as a dream. Click here to order Lucid Dreaming now from, or [return to book list]. Out of Body Experiences: How to have them and what to expect by Robert Peterson (paperback, 278 pages) This book is brilliant, truly comprehensive (in its genre), and most certainly far from flaky. Originally a skeptic himself, Peterson recounts his adventures into the realms of out of body experiences and lucid dreams, and details page after page of fascinating experiences along with the techniques he used to bring about his success. He also compares notes with other sources and discriminates between gold and garbage as far as techniques and beliefs are concerned. Not only is his style very genuine, but he has has most excellently chronicled and expressed his nearly 20 years of experiences, making the book both eye-opening and fun to read. Introduction by science of consciousness pioneer Charles Tart. Click here to order Out of Body Experiences now from Click here to view other books about Out of Body Experiences , or [return to book list]. Seth - Dreams & Projections of Consciousness by Jane Roberts (paperback, 321 pages) A rare, out-of-print find, but well worth the search. Author/mystic Jane Roberts brings forth a wealth of information about the mechanics of dreaming and its relation with the psyche. She discusses recall and incubation methods, and provides many very unique insights and approaches not found anywhere else. Click here to order Seth - Dreams & Projections of Consciousness now from Click here to view other books by Jane Roberts , or [return to book list]. The Lucid Dreamer by Malcolm Godwin (hard cover, 256 pages) Surely one of the best and most interesting philosophical explorations of lucid dreaming and its relations to art and spiritual practices. Godwin covers views in various eastern cultures along with an intriguing look at modern physics and the perennial philosophy. The book is thoughtfully organized and absolutely beautifully illustrated with painting after painting from some of the greatest mystical artists of both the past and present. Click here to order The Lucid Dreamer now from, or [return to book list]. Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. (paperback, 335 pages) LaBerge's sequel to his excellent Lucid Dreaming. He offers experience after impressive experience of how people have learned to take advantage of lucidity to improve their waking lives, and shares further research and techniques for becoming conscious within dreams. Click here to order Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming now from, or [return to book list]. The Nature of the Psyche by Jane Roberts (paperback, 256 pages) An unquestionably rich, deep source describing the mechanics of thought, dreams, beliefs and subjective reality in general. Roberts brings forth very unique and fresh material all about consciousness, human experience and the inner dynamics of the psyche. Not the simplest book to read in a few sittings since it's so densely packed with rich material, but a few concept-packed pages at a time are plenty. Click here to order The Nature of the Psyche now from, or view other books by Jane Roberts . Click here to [return to book list]. Conscious Mind, Sleeping Brain edited by J. Gackenbach & S. LaBerge(hard cover, 447 pages) A collection of Western research and experiences about lucid dreaming as a science, a philosophical framework, learnable skill and unique human experience. Geared more as a text book, there are some fascinating accounts by British lucid explorer Alan Worsley who details his night after night of conscious explorations into the dream world. Click here to order Conscious Mind, Sleeping Brain now from, or [return to book list]. Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (paperback) I had the pleasure to meet Tenzin Rinpoche and hear a lecture of his about dream yoga. He is unquestionably a man of great knowledge and discipline and I strongly recommend his teachings and philosophy for those interested in a spiritual self-exploration through consciousness during sleep and dreams. The book's style is very accessible to the Western reader, but gives a detailed, in-depth description of the Tibetan dream and sleep yoga philosophies and practices. His presentation of the yoga of sleep (as opposed to dream yoga) is particularly well done, as are the accompanying practices. Click here to order Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep now from, or [return to book list]. Ten Thousand Whispers by Lynda Madden Dahl (paperback, 195 pages) This book (and Lynda's others) will absolutely astonish you. She very genuinely, openly and insightfully details many consciousness principles and numerous synchronicities from her personal experience and undaunted self-exploration and offers powerful frameworks for exploring, understanding, broadening and making practical the magical experiences within life. Click here to order Ten Thousand Whispers now from, or view other books by Lynda Dahl . Click here to [return to book list]. Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines by W.Y. Evans-Wentz (paperback, 389 pages) A book of self-examination and self-improvement. Evans-Wentz has translated Tibetan Yogic scriptures which detail methods for introspection, living spiritual truths, and lucid dreaming "practices of the Clear Light". A bit of a tough read, but packed with a wealth of information from an age old spiritual culture, on improving daily life and living mindfully. Click here to order Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines now from Click here to view other books by W.Y. Evans-Wentz ,or [return to book list]. The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho (paperback, 177 pages) A delightful tale for readers of all ages. The story's hero is a lad on a spiritual quest who follows his dreams both literally and figuratively on an incredibly well-written and entertaining voyage of discovery and adventure. A spiritual odyssey, with truths and magic in no short supply. Click here to order The Alchemist now from, or view other books by Paolo Coelho . Click here to [return to book list]. The Kin of Ata are Waiting for You by Dorothy Bryant (paperback, 220 pages) One of the most insightful and exciting novels of our times. The jaded hero stumbles into an amazing land and society whose ways and values are so foreign to what he has learned in his earlier high society life that he rebels instantly. The greatest of possible personal conflicts are set up, and Bryant very adeptly shows the evolution of his character in one of the most charming and truth-essence-packed books available. The kin of Ata are a people very in touch with nature and life cycles who live simply and follow their dream guidance as truly as they can, though the way is not always obvious. Easy-to-read and brilliant. Click here to order The Kin of Ata now from, or view other books by Dorothy Bryant . Click here to [return to book list]. A Change of Heart by Claire Sylvia (paperback) A true story of Claire's personal odyssey as a mother, dancer, dreamer and the first New England heart transplant recipient. She candidly and genuinely describes all her strengths and pitfalls along her incredibly inspiring personal journey. Her trust and interest in dreams is what lends the book its special charm, since she starts subjectively feeling the thoughts, desires and yearning of the donor of her new heart, and actually meets him in her dreams. Skeptics beware as she follows a trail of synchronicities that lead her to the donor's former family, leaving readers uplifted with a collection of fascinating coincidences, a snapshot of very believable interpersonal relationships, and questions about life & the mind-body-spirit connection, and most of all about personal fulfillment, courage, and love. Click here to order A Change of Heart now from, or [return to book list]. One by Richard Bach (paperback) A story to dazzle dreamers, physicists, and couples alike. Fiction or non-fiction? Drawing the line is not so obvious with Bach. With his light, thought-provoking, and humorous style, Bach takes a genuine look at many moments of his life and offers food for thought about the self-defeating patterns he has been stuck in and which humanity is currently caught in. An exciting story of adventure and love, as he and his wife Leslie embark upon a combined personal odyssey, flying to and exploring untold world's of possibility, where they eventually come out in One piece. An uplifting adventure. Click here to order One now from, or view other books by Richard Bach . Click here to [return to book list]. The Bridge Across Forever by Richard Bach (paperback) After Jonathan Livingston Seagull and his amazing adventures in Illusions, Bach set out on the quest to discover the simple truth of a loving relationship with a kindred soul. Bach openly and humorously tells the true story of meeting his wife and the turmoil and incredible physical adventures and dream explorations that they undergo together. He shares amazingly intimate and profound moments that touch and uplift those on the path of relationship. Click here to order The Bridge Across Forever now from, or view other books by Richard Bach . Click here to [return to book list]. Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak (hardcover, 37 pages) Who could forget this childhood favorite? This wonderfully illustrated tale is a simple and great way to show youngsters how to cope with nightmares and what to do about monsters in the night. The story demonstrates, in a fun way, the same technique that we suggest to adults for putting an end to recurring nightmares. Click here to order Where the Wild Things Are now from, or view other books by Maurice Sendak . Click here to [return to book list]. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach (paperback, 126 pages) With well over 30 million copies sold, this short easy-read is a new world favorite. I've heard from Bach himself how the manuscript came to be published. After twenty-odd publishers refused his "pleasant story about the little bird", the practically starving writer walked out to his mailbox to find only two letters there. One was the apology from his agent saying she could no longer represent the book, and the other a letter from Eleanor Friede at Dell who'd read some of his earlier work, asking if he "just might happen" to have any manuscripts laying around that he was hoping to have published. The rest is history, and the "risky" manuscript became what is now known in publishing circle's as "Friede's Folly". How the story came to him is also fascinating,


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