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Alex Damasio


BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro: A Review

If you are looking for a way to edit your videos in sync with the music, you might want to check out BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro, a new extension that automatically detects the beats in your music track and generates markers for them in your Premiere Pro timeline. In this article, we will review the features, benefits, and limitations of this extension, and show you how to use it to create stunning edits in no time.

What is BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro?

BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro is an extension that uses robust beat tracking technologies to analyze your music track and create markers for the beats in your Premiere Pro timeline. You can use these markers to edit your video clips in sync with the music, either manually or automatically. You can also adjust the beat selection, subdivide beats, and detect other rhythmically relevant peaks for more variation. BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro is compatible with both sequence markers and clip markers, and supports the Automate to Sequence function in Premiere Pro.

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Why use BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro?

Editing in sync with music can make your videos more engaging, dynamic, and professional. However, manually finding the beats in your music track and aligning your video clips with them can be a tedious and time-consuming process. BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro simplifies this process by doing the hard work for you. It saves you time and effort by creating markers for the beats automatically, and allows you to fine-tune them according to your preferences. You can also use the markers to create automatic edits in sync with the music, or use them as guides in your manual editing process. BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro can help you create better edits faster and easier.

How to use BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro?

To use BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro, you need to have Adobe Premiere Pro 13.1.5 (CC 2019) or newer installed on your computer. You also need to purchase and install the extension from [], where it costs $99.99. Once you have installed the extension, you can access it from the Window menu in Premiere Pro. Here are the basic steps to use BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro:

  • Import your music track and video clips into your project.

  • Create a sequence and drag your music track onto the audio track.

  • Open the BeatEdit panel from the Window menu.

  • Click on the Load Music button and select your music track from the sequence.

  • Wait for BeatEdit to analyze your music track and create markers for the beats.

  • Adjust the beat selection using the sliders and buttons on the panel.

  • Select the type of markers you want to create (sequence or clip) and click on the Create Markers button.

  • Drag your video clips onto the video track and align them with the markers.

  • If you want to create automatic edits, select your video clips and choose Automate to Sequence from the Clip menu.

  • Tweak your edits as needed using the standard editing tools in Premiere Pro.

For more details and tutorials on how to use BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro, you can visit [the official website] or [watch this video].

What are the limitations of BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro?

BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro is a powerful and useful extension, but it also has some limitations that you should be aware of. Here are some of them:

  • BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro only works with audio files (wav, mp3). It cannot load audio from video clips or take into account any effects or modifications that you applied to your audio in the timeline.

  • BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro does not guarantee that it will detect all the beats in your music track accurately. Some music tracks may have complex or irregular rhythms that are difficult to analyze. You may need to manually adjust or add some markers if you are not satisfied with the results.

  • BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro does not automatically edit your video clips according to the content or style of your music track. It only creates markers for the beats and lets you use them as you wish. You still need to use your own creativity and judgment to choose the best video clips and transitions for your edit.


BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro is an extension that can help you edit your videos in sync with the music in a fast and easy way. It automatically detects the beats in your music track and creates markers for them in your Premiere Pro timeline. You can use these markers to create automatic or manual edits in sync with the music, and adjust them according to your preferences. BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro is compatible with both sequence markers and clip markers, and supports the Automate to Sequence function in Premiere Pro. BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro is a great tool for video editors who want to create better edits faster and easier, but it also has some limitations that you should be aware of. You can purchase and install BeatEdit 2 for Premiere Pro from [] for $99.99, and learn more about it from [the official website] or [this video].


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